Green Guide forLambertville Alive| Organic Products | Recycling | Energy Conservation
Summer Camp Guide
Summer Camp Guidep

Green Guide

Welcome to our Green Guide where you can find information on ways to live sustainably while helping to protect our planet. Let's also support the local businesses in the Lambertville area who have dedicated themselves to practicing green living.

Spring provides us with an opportunity to declutter our lives. Use our Spring Cleaning Guide to set you on your path to becoming a minimalist while keeping items out of landfills.

Recycling is one of the easiest ways to help the environment. This Recycling Guide was created to help make the process a bit easier and move us as close to a Zero Waste Community as possible.

Read about the Minimus Tiny House Project, an off-grid, mobile tiny home designed to educate and inspire a more earth-conscious community.

Green Blog

Green Businesses

The following businesses practice in the field of green living. Let's show them our support!